Throughout the site, you can click the "add to favorites" icon to bookmark your favorite merchants and restaurants - helping us to tailor the program and also recommending them to other members!
If you don't find your favorite merchant on the site, we'd love to hear your suggestion! Complete the form and we'll do our best to include your suggestion in the program.[1]
Please complete all required entries; this information helps us to quickly and accurately follow-up with the right merchant or restaurateur.
Additional Information...
If you have the name or email address of the right person for us to contact, know of the merchant's website URL, or have any other comments to share please add those details. Any additional information you're able to provide helps us make a successful connection and get your suggestion included in the program!
[1] Unfortunately, suggested vendors are not always able to participate. Franchise rules, program restrictions and a vendors' willingness and/or ability to discount (among other factors) all play a part in determining who can be added.